Do you remember the good old days of the 80’s and 90’s? When life was simpler, the sun shined brighter, you spent more time outdoors and used AltaVista as a search engine.
Do you remember playing DK and two-player Double Dragon on Nintendo or Prince of Persia on the Macintosh ? Do you remember going to the local arcade because the graphics were better and screens were bigger?
I remember when I was about 8 years old, I arrived home from school on day, only to find our house had been robbed. Much to my brother and I’s despondency, a colossal void lay center of the living room where our Nintendo had resided. It was a loss evocative of the damage caused by a boy losing his pet dog, leaving my brother and me with faces like a wet week-end. A few of days later, upon arriving home from school again, a pleasant surprise awaited me in the living room. A brand-spanking new Super Nintendo. It shined like the Holy Grail in a da Vinci painting, totally inundating the void that was left previously. Dad had secretly gone off and bought it for us. Boy, that was one of the greatest days of my early childhood, a memory I will never forget.
Of course you may remember it differently, depending on your age and cultural background etc.. but that’s pretty much my recollection of the times. Whatever your memory does serve up, one thing’s for sure, if you played video-games back then you would distinctly remember 8-bit style graphics and rending.
So what better way to spark reminiscence than some old-school, retro 8-bit style poster designs. Today I’ve scoured the web to bring you this awesome collection. Enjoy.
Do the 80′s and 90′s hold a special place in your heart? What do you remember of 8-bit rendering? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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